ASBO Arose from Robbing Hoodies
28 March, 2007

As of the 28th of March 2007 I have removed this post due to the abuse and threats I have been receiving from the supposed 'family' of Tommy Walden. I will however leave behind the eloquently written comments as they say so much more about the mentality of these people than I ever could.
A special mention goes to who emailed me with:
"u wanker why dont u id urself to me i am a uncle to the above and will show u how upset i am"
Pure class.
P.S. I have removed several 'off topic' comments, including some from myself; the general gist being the accusation that I somehow faked other peoples comments and that I am 'sad'. I found this conversation very boring and deleted it so as to avoid contributing to the general banality of existence. You can believe it to be some kind of conspiracy if you like, a sinister censorship plot if you like, believe in a god if you like, the monster in the cupboard if you like...
I sympathise with anyone caught in a "wrong place wrong time" situation, however, being repeatedly caught doing wrong is beyond bad luck and is sure-fire evidence of criminal incompetence and stupidity.
Other evidence of stupidity could be poor spelling, grammar and punctuation; evidence which you exhibit substantially and voluntarily. Because of this I hope you will excuse me if I ignore your judgemental impressions of me being "little minded" and a "div".
I will however accept the tag of "weirdo", especially if YOU are an example of general normality.
Personally I find a page full of mindless idle threats and insults very boring indeed, but then I suppose you know better than anyone else what the public wants...
If people really wanted to know who you are, they would simply flip through the Boston Standard and find the journalist with biggest chip on their shoulder, perform a people search to find out your address and phone number, and...well, etc.
I smile wickedly as I imagine the panic, distress and fear that must now be gripping you.
It's just lucky for you that your blogs so shit that nobody apart from you and I will ever read this. Ever.
I am sorry to hear that you consider my blog to be 'so shit'...
Maybe you should stop reading it then.
Besides, the whole country's full of idiots like these, and always has been. The difference being today is that nobody's allowed to do anything about them.
Name-calling won't change anything; it might make you feel better, but the only thing you can do is not vote Labour next time round, and perhaps cross your fingers...
Is it true that as many as two Boston residents can write accurately?
I thought I was all on my own there for 5 years.
If Tommy thinks he's a "Bad Boy" tell him to ring my buzzer @ 25 Witham town he knows who i am, divvy cunt gets mouthy but when you see him in Asda with his ugly ginger roots and yellow teeth girlfriend "Lady chop chop" he dosent want the "beef". I have to talk like this becuase its the only language he understands bredrin. And what about that Black jacket from PRIMARK that Katie wears EVERY DAY! Usually with a smelly rollup hanging out of her mouth and steaming about on a BMX. So if that "Crack Head" wants to prove himself then he knows where to find me. And remember Chop Chop....It never rains but it pours and it never snows on Christmas Day.
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