Alternative statements and commentary from Boston, Lincolnshire, UK

ASBO Arose from Robbing Hoodies

28 March, 2007

As of the 28th of March 2007 I have removed this post due to the abuse and threats I have been receiving from the supposed 'family' of Tommy Walden. I will however leave behind the eloquently written comments as they say so much more about the mentality of these people than I ever could.

A special mention goes to who emailed me with:

"u wanker why dont u id urself to me i am a uncle to the above and will show u how upset i am"

Pure class.

P.S. I have removed several 'off topic' comments, including some from myself; the general gist being the accusation that I somehow faked other peoples comments and that I am 'sad'. I found this conversation very boring and deleted it so as to avoid contributing to the general banality of existence. You can believe it to be some kind of conspiracy if you like, a sinister censorship plot if you like, believe in a god if you like, the monster in the cupboard if you like...


Just a short note im from Boston and i have an ASBO, Your a little minded weirdo who wants a bit of power if thats what it is join the police force Ha!!! I no them who your talking about and there good lads wrong place wrong time you just a div e-mail me on !! WEIRD !!
ASBOs are punishment for repeat offenders and NOT individual isolated offences. Your "wrong place wrong time" explanation just doesn't work.

I sympathise with anyone caught in a "wrong place wrong time" situation, however, being repeatedly caught doing wrong is beyond bad luck and is sure-fire evidence of criminal incompetence and stupidity.

Other evidence of stupidity could be poor spelling, grammar and punctuation; evidence which you exhibit substantially and voluntarily. Because of this I hope you will excuse me if I ignore your judgemental impressions of me being "little minded" and a "div".

I will however accept the tag of "weirdo", especially if YOU are an example of general normality.
i think your no better than these boys you low life scum you do not no tommys family and you are so quick of the mark to slag them of they should have drowned you at birth you tosser for writing such appouling things when you dont no anything about these peoples familys or there up bringing you cant be with ya kids 24 hours a day you fucking shit head
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 28/3/07 15:20  
i am the mother of tommy walden and for you to write such a bad thing u are no better than what they are trying to make him out to be and all so i am no slag u fucking waste of a time sucm bag and if u got the bottle tell us who u are but i can bet u wont do that u only got the bottle to write thing on the internet i bet u are a lazy git that people like me and my family work to keep people like u if i every find out who u are i will have u done so watch out you are not next in court were i will sit and laugh at you and i will be showing how lawyers what u have wrote
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 28/3/07 18:22  
I have read the comments someone has written about mr t walden and i think who eva wrote the letter must be some little twisted lazy bastard with nothing better to do. do you know tommy walden? d you know his perants? you obveiously dont else you wouldnt make such stupid comments. people like you shud think about what you write and the out come of what you write. why hasnt the spinless little cunt left there name, if the strongly belive what they have written. tommy perants havnt brought him up the way you think. Spinless
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 28/3/07 18:31  
For future reference, how many swear words and blatantly obvious spelling mistakes must I include for it not to be 'off topic'?

Personally I find a page full of mindless idle threats and insults very boring indeed, but then I suppose you know better than anyone else what the public wants...

If people really wanted to know who you are, they would simply flip through the Boston Standard and find the journalist with biggest chip on their shoulder, perform a people search to find out your address and phone number, and...well, etc.

I smile wickedly as I imagine the panic, distress and fear that must now be gripping you.

It's just lucky for you that your blogs so shit that nobody apart from you and I will ever read this. Ever.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/4/07 09:59  
Swear words and spelling mistakes are not necessary to be considered 'on-topic' you just need to be commenting on the topic of the post. It's just that simple.

I am sorry to hear that you consider my blog to be 'so shit'...

Maybe you should stop reading it then.
What makes you feel that the antics of Tommy Walden are actually worth writing about? If the only news in Boston is that some random yobbo has an ASBO, it would sound like a pleasant place to live. If that were true, you wouldn't have that stick up your arse.

Besides, the whole country's full of idiots like these, and always has been. The difference being today is that nobody's allowed to do anything about them.

Name-calling won't change anything; it might make you feel better, but the only thing you can do is not vote Labour next time round, and perhaps cross your fingers...
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/4/07 08:29  
Was this blog really started and written by a Boston resident?

Is it true that as many as two Boston residents can write accurately?


I thought I was all on my own there for 5 years.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 19/1/08 06:00  
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/3/13 15:42  
This Tommy Walden has various violent offenses, he sells drugs and also takes them, especially SMACK (and also his brother) just google him. He's done more jail than most and he must love it because recently he was recently released and decided to prey on a young defenseless lad. Tommy hit the poor weak lad and he fell and cracked his skull on the pavement. Oh what a nice lad.(joke) Andy Walden used to try and play the big man back in the day and Kally loves a cock or two at the weekend. WHAT A BUNCH OF FUCK UPS
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/3/13 10:10  
Why people gotta slag um all off?? Yeah there a bit rough and tommy a bit of a nutta and that but no one needs to start chattin shit on ere!!
By Anonymous bostonboy, at 18/3/13 09:53  
Tommy is a fuckin fat maet head cunt who I'm gunna kill. Ncky is a little wanker who I'm gunna dtamp on til my foot hurts and Kally just a little slag who's had more pricks than a dart board. Also kally will gwt her tits out for a 5er even tho she with josh now!!
By Anonymous Jamie Holland, at 22/3/13 10:57  
Haha yes Jamie.
By Anonymous Billy Pagden, at 22/3/13 10:59  
Nicky Walden better watch out.. let the town know ;-)
By Anonymous Jake Louth, at 22/3/13 11:00  
all this that has been writen on here as now been hand over to the police has there is poeople saying they are going to kill so we will soon know who as wrote it
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/7/13 16:35  
im so glad that someone has hand this web page over to the police its about time this was stop and i hope they get done for it even the person who start it there poeople whos wrote on here that needs to take a good hard look at them self there no angels special when one is on the sex offerend list how dare he write any thing it wasnt that long ago on a few month i hope the walden family sit and laugh at you small minded poeople thats got nothing better to do with your lifes
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12/7/13 16:26  
So what, he dosent sell drugs or take smack, works 7 days a week and can afford a brand new £31,000 car, and yeah he gets a bit horny sometimes, still a top lad :)
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 13/7/13 12:13  
Mr Z says.....

If Tommy thinks he's a "Bad Boy" tell him to ring my buzzer @ 25 Witham town he knows who i am, divvy cunt gets mouthy but when you see him in Asda with his ugly ginger roots and yellow teeth girlfriend "Lady chop chop" he dosent want the "beef". I have to talk like this becuase its the only language he understands bredrin. And what about that Black jacket from PRIMARK that Katie wears EVERY DAY! Usually with a smelly rollup hanging out of her mouth and steaming about on a BMX. So if that "Crack Head" wants to prove himself then he knows where to find me. And remember Chop Chop....It never rains but it pours and it never snows on Christmas Day.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 14/2/14 09:49  
Gotta agree there son,very rare a lad can fall out with so many people,can it be possible tohat these lads go out looking for trouble with one of the big boys?I heard he wouldn't come out of the piza place,that's guilt couldn't explain how or why all the lads in the badlands say he set his mate up,the truth,
By Anonymous dutchy111, at 28/3/14 03:59  
So what you big divs
By Anonymous Aaron Baggaley, at 24/4/17 22:28  
hes nothing but a scumbag grass, he cant deny that.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 18/9/17 22:17  
Says a pussy like Jamie Holland

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 02:34  
Wow you lot must really like this Tommy Walden lad or you so scared of him you have to do a web page lady chop chop a nice person so who is the bully now Tommy or the person abusing a mother of his children sad sad people
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 02:39  
Lol I'm from notts Tommy my boy I just reading this shit are you ok mate like seriously have you got nothing better then to try make ya self look bigger then Tommy lol funny you lot from Boston and I swear you that Zak Holland lad have you goggled your name ��������������������
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 02:45  
Grass lol the lad doing 13yr some grass he done more jail then all of you not clever bit one thing he is not is a grass FACT
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 02:47  
Iam Tommy Walden all I can say is lmao see you 2021 I come back to lath at the men who find it good to write about me you pussy each time I get out I be better watch Arron baggaley hurry up n come home Boston needs real Crims about not grasses who walk around free nonces that just discussed me that you so called perfect peps around Boston think that the things I did at the age of 15yrs old is worth writing about then good luck to ya I'm a 30 yr old man who as done alot of wrong in my life but guess wat you pussy can't tell me shit I'm am the elite lol
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 03:04  
Just read wat you put Tom 100percent agree see ya soon lad makes sure you come visit me Wen out love dave
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 03:11  
Goggle Zak Holland Boston plz don't try talking shit keep ya head down you in no place to chat shit with your record
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 03:15  
Who are you ya div the big lads lol you obviously a no one so no point in carrying this txt on
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 03:19  
Tommy as obviously hurt you before lol grow some balls
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 03:22  
You slag them all off but have you real got nothing better to do you wouldn't tell him to his face if so I wouldn't be reading this crap coz Tommy would fuck you fact
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 03:24  
Jamie Holland you was up Tommy ass in hmp Peterborough he was taken things off the hole jail and no one said shit he would stab you ya pussy you act ruth you a no body Tommy would cut you out ya tracksuit real quick shame you can't do owt Wen Elton tells ya he gonna dig ya mum up and shag her and robbery britton fuck ya slag Mrs so for you to slag his sister Wen your bird out there ford last 5yr shagging ya mates lol so don't worry about killing Tommy you Nob worry about ya mates I was in jail with you and Tommy you up his ass
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 03:34  
I've noticed that you lot gel of Tommy
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 03:36  
Tommy got the gunns behind him so he think he sick Collin doing 35yrs you dick just coz you cut JJ you think you a celeb
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 03:39  
Emma porter grass on her own brother and goes round showing people some bullshit about Tommy Tommy stud with his head held high in court did them girls no I was there
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 08:09  
Yes Collin is doing 35 I'm not I his bro and we still got a team for you idiots in Boston listen you don't no Tommy anymore take my advice and deleat this page he know who you are is it worth it
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25/3/18 08:12  
I kicked Tommy about outside the Winebar before he went away. End of
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 26/7/18 14:21  

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