Death Is Not A Problem, Its An Opportunity
18 October, 2006

The Standard almost attempt to provide a public service by pointing out the many sporting and fitness facilities around the Boston area. However, the great mass of obese people are not overweight due to a lack of knowledge of where they can play Badminton. It is an issue of sloth and gluttony. It is about filling your mouth with pleasure instead of filling yourself with fuel. But why do you need to fuel a body, when a seat in front of Footballers Wives and a face full of convenience is all you desire. Obesity is a WIN WIN situation for anyone with anything to sell; you sell food to make them fat, then sell diet books and exercise machines to purge them of their excesses. But they will never be free from obesity; their is no profit to be made from a cure. You will only continue to cash-in while they continue to consume.
This weeks Boston Standard's headline story is about infant mortality rates : MORE BABIES DIE IN BOSTON THAN ANYWHERE ELSE
This is a rather sensationalist and inaccurate headline (and so therefore must be commended), scanning further through the story a reader will discover in fact that Boston does NOT have the highest infant mortality rate of ANYWHERE ELSE, but instead, ANYWHERE in the COUNTRY. The Standard quote that the infant mortality rate in Boston is more than 1% of births, however we still have some way to go before beating Sierra Leone with a rate of 28%. Any dead baby is extremely distressing and indeed bad news, so I wonder if next week we will see a Boston Standard special advertising feature on this? Maybe extra revenue can be gained from funeral directors willing to advertise in the feature. I suggest The Standard could offer a special discount for messages and death notices; dead twins = buy one get one free. Remember, its not a problem - its an opportunity.
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